Friday, May 7, 2010

Superstar vs Non-Superstar

For those of you who dont know, is a website where girls (and guys) go to be themselves and make friends and even play some games. Superstar is something on the website you have to pay for to get more things to dress up your doll and by makeup for it and things. This is a good profit for the creators of stardoll and an advantage for lots people on the site. However, everything is becoming superstar, most of the clothes-superstar, all makeup-superstar, money on stardoll (200 sda month)- Superstar, most of the suite shop-superstar and its just not fiar. Stardoll used to be superstar free, you didn't have to pay! but now you do if you want certian things (or most anything). Also, you used to get one stardoller a day just for logging in, and now...nothing for the poor non-superstars! why did they take that away from them? its just not fair. But when a superstar gets superstar for 1 month, they get 200 stardollers automatically. Another thing that has happened is the hair has changed...they made new hair, but only superstars can use it, thats so not fair, it has always been regualr and starpoint hair, and now they change it. Not fair. I know that a lot of Non-superstar people agree with me. most of their things are just as good if not better then many superstar. This is what they have to say...

I dont like superstar! they want you pay for it, its all about money!! I think stardool is for girls like fashion and style they can make a creative suite and all that things! i hate superstar! Open your eyes! who's With me? - Julie.2009

were in this together! 1sd a day has been taken away! & that's unfair! if i were the owner of stardoll, i'd let each stardoll member be superstar in one day in a month, & that they can also get free money & other stuff! why can't stardoll even do that? right? i'm in this club, & i'm staying 'til stardoll approves what were saying! - girly_girl

i no ritte. i dont think its fair that superstars get like more things on here.

- shelbster87

Lets compare Superstars to Non-Superstars

i think you can tell for yourself which one is superstar and which is not

please comment telling your opinion.

Thanks for your time.


Stardoll user: prettygirl_99